About the “GUTES ERLAUFEN” foundation

The “GUTES ERLAUFEN” foundation is an unincorporated foundation under civil law in the fiduciary administration of DS Deutsche Stiftungsagentur GmbH in Neuss (Germany), and is consequently represented by the latter in legal and business transactions.

The founder as defined by the statutes is Förder- und Veranstaltungsgemeinschaft Silvesterlauf e.V. in Soest/Westphalia (Germany).

The foundation is committed to continually creating new attractions for recreational and elite athletes with major sporting events for a broad target group. At the same time, a charitable purpose is always to be achieved.

The Foundation shall exclusively and directly pursue non-profit, charitable and benevolent purposes as defined in section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the German Tax Code.

Der Zweck der Stiftung ist die Förderung...

  • youth welfare and work with the elderly
  • welfare, in particular the purposes of the officially recognised associations of voluntary welfare work (§ 23 of the VAT Implementing Regulation), their sub-associations and their affiliated facilities and institutions
  • international spirit, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding
  • civic engagement in favour of charitable, benevolent and ecclesiastical purposes
  • charitable purposes
  • ecclesiastical purposes

by another tax-privileged corporation or by a corporation under public law.

The listed purposes do not have to be realised to the same extent.

The foundation shall realise its purposes by raising funds for the realisation of the tax-privileged purposes of another corporation or for the realisation of tax-privileged purposes by a corporation under public law. The raising of funds for a private corporation subject to unlimited tax liability requires that the corporation itself is tax-privileged.

The foundation operates selflessly and does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

How do you receive funds from the foundation?

If you would like funds from the foundation and belong to the group of eligible non-profit institutions, please contact the foundation at the following address:

DS - Deutsche Stiftungsagentur GmbH


Brandgasse 4

41460 Neuss Germany

Telephone: 02131 / 66 22 22 1

To the funding application

Our account for donations and endowments. If you would like to support the GUTES ERLAUFEN foundation financially, we would be pleased to receive your transfer to the account given below: Sparkasse Soest

IBAN: DE21414500750000087213

Please indicate in your transfer whether it should be a donation or an endowment.

Donation by Giropay
